Episode 10: Putin Primed to Steal 2018 Midterm Elections Why We Focus on NFL players Kneeling or Not..

Episode 10: Putin Primed to Steal 2018 Midterm Elections Why We Focus on NFL players Kneeling or Not..

How do you know if your Democratic representatives are doing their job or any job right now? If Trump wants all the attention focused on him and his issues, should we simply abide by his need for attention and ignore what his minions are doing?  More reports are coming in that  sophisticated hackers will find it fairly easy to take over our election system, while Trump refuses to appoint a person in charge of preventing that and your Democratic congressperson is silent about it. What can we do about this? Scott McVarish of Common Sense Democracy (CommonSenseDem.org) & Your Daily Trump gives you the answers.

#DianaFeinstein, #kevindeleon, #harveyweinstein, #AnneApplebaum,  #JakeBraun, #DevinNunes, #EricSwalwell , #CitizensforResponsibilityandEthics, #MaggieHassan and  #U.S. Election Assistance Commission #RobPortman #nfl #football #impeachtrump, #impeachtrumpnow, #resist #theresistance, #Democrats, #Progressivepolitics, #left-wingpolitics, DonaldTrump, #potus, #impeachment, #2018elections, #midtermelections, #2018 midterms,  #Republicans, #GOP, #Gerrymandering, #votersuppression, #citizensunited, #darkmoney,  #investigateRussia,  #Russianinterference, #putin, #russia, #congress, #mueller, #Elections, #Hacking

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