Episode 8: How Massacres and Bungled Responses to Disasters Directy Come from the GOP Corruption of our Elections

Episode 8: How Massacres and Bungled Responses to Disasters Directy Come from the GOP Corruption of our Elections

What does the Las Vegas massacre and the terrible Trump response to the Puerto Rico hurricane have in common? What is happening with the Mueller investigation into #trumprussia have in common with the Democrats 1974 investigation into Nixon? How has the sale of democracy in Wisconsin reaped benefits for its buyers? When do we get to call the individuals buying our democracy, Oligarchs, like Russians call theirs? Scott McVarish of Common Sense Democracy (CommonSenseDem.org) & Your Daily Trump gives you the answers.

#lasvegasshooting #lasvegas #massacre, #lasvegasshootings, #PRstrong, #puerto rico,, #impeachtrump, #impeachtrumpnow, #resist #theresistance, #Democrats, #Progressive politics, #left-wingpolitics, #Donald Trump, #potus, #impeachment, #2018 elections, #midtermelections, #2018midterms,  #Republicans, #GOP, #Gerrymandering, #votersuppression, #citizensunited, #darkmoney,  #investigateRussia,  #Russianinterference, #putin, #russia, #congress, #mueller

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